NatOne Two Headed Giant (2HG) events follow the standard Wizards of the Coast twoversus two ruleset with a custom banlist. In Two-Headed Giant Commander, each two-player team shares a starting 60 life and takestheir turn simultaneously. The team does not share any other resources other than life. Forinstance, any reference to you on a card still applies to the individual holder.
Effects that read each opponent or each player , however, affect each team memberseparately. Players can block any creature(s) that are attacking them, their teammates orPlaneswalkers their team controls. Each player must have a valid commander deck with one commander and a 99 card deckexactly. Players on the same team share cards for deck construction. This means that due to thelimit of 1 of each card, excluding basic lands, if a player has a Sol Ring in their deck, theirteammate may not also play a Sol Ring. If a Team takes 21 or more damage from a single commander, they lose the game.If a Team takes 15 or more Poison counters, they lose the game.
 Special Event Considerations • Each team must please submit a unique team name. • We allow teams to swap out members during the qualifies through out the year. • Teams members that play the regional must play the finals. So no changes after the
 Regional EventsBanlist The standard commander banlist is controlled by the Commander Banlist Committee and istailored to four player free-for-alls. As such, a two versus two custom banlist must be made.Please find the banlist below: Banned due to access restrictions: All cards on the reserved list.
 Banned based on creation intent: All playtest cards. All cards exclusively printed in Un-sets, such as Unglued, Unhinged, Unstable,Unsanctioned and Unfinity. All cards with the Conspiracy type.
 Banned due to mechanics that may break the law: All cards with the ante mechanic
 Banned for Format Health: Thassa’s OracleFlashMindslaverWorst FearsSorin Markov Braids, Cabal MinionKarakas Leovold, Emissary of TrestChannel Emrakul, the Aeons TornBiorhythm BalanceJeweled LotusMana Crypt Nadu, Winged WisdomDockside Extortionist